Database setup

The omop mapper tool requires a the latest omop database along with some additional tables and stored procedures.

The database needs to be setup in two steps because the Athena code list is too large to add to this repository. There is also an element of choice for which athana vocabularies are required. It is difficult to add more vocabularies retrospectively.

The process to setup the database has two steps

  1. Patch the database - We run the database patching tool to bring the database to the latest version.
  2. Vocabulary Import - Add the athena codes.

Database Patching

We use Flyway to patch our database. This script should be run if new database patches are issued, or repeatable migrations are added/eddited (eg new stored procedures).

  1. Alter the Database/Migrations/migrate.ps1 script to configure your database address, database name, username and password.
  2. Run Database/Migrations/migrate.ps1. This script will patch the database using Flyway to the latest version. It can be run many times.

Vocabulary Import

  1. Create an account and download at least the following vocabularies.
    Id CDM Code Name
    154 CDM 5 NHS Ethnic Category NHS Ethnic Category
    148 CDM 5 OMOP Invest Drug OMOP Investigational Drugs
    142 CDM 5 OPS Operations and Procedures Classification (OPS)
    141 CDM 5 Cancer Modifier Diagnostic Modifiers of Cancer (OMOP)
    90 CDM 5 ICDO3 International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (WHO)
    75 CDM 5 dm+d Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (NHS)
    71 CDM 5 ABMS Provider Specialty (American Board of Medical Specialties)
    57 CDM 5 HES Specialty Hospital Episode Statistics Specialty (NHS)
    55 CDM 5 OPCS4 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures version 4 (NHS)
    48 CDM 5 Medicare Specialty Medicare provider/supplier specialty codes (CMS)
    47 CDM 5 NUCC National Uniform Claim Committee Health Care Provider Taxonomy Code Set (NUCC)
    44 CDM 5 Ethnicity OMOP Ethnicity
    34 CDM 5 ICD10 International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (WHO)
    14 CDM 5 CMS Place of Service CMS Place of Service
    13 CDM 5 Race Race and Ethnicity Code Set (USBC)
    12 CDM 5 Gender OMOP Gender
    6 CDM 5 LOINC Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (Regenstrief Institute)
    3 CDM 5 ICD9Proc International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 3 (NCHS)
    2 CDM 5 ICD9CM International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)
    1 CDM 5 SNOMED Systematic Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (IHTSDO)
  2. Unpack the archive and import the files using the import-athena.sql script.
  3. Run the following scripts
Database/Setup/V1 Oxford Anaesthtic Concepts.sql
Database/Setup/V2 Oxford Concepts.sql
Database/Setup/V3 Oxford Concepts.sql