
Cosd V9 Procedure Occurrence Procedure Opcs

Source column procedure_source_concept_id. Converts ICD10/OPCS4 concepts to SNOMED concepts.

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Cosd V9 Procedure Occurrence Primary Procedure Opcs

Source column procedure_source_concept_id. Converts ICD10/OPCS4 concepts to SNOMED concepts.

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Cosd V8 Procedure Occurrence Procedure Opcs

Source column procedure_source_concept_id. Converts ICD10/OPCS4 concepts to SNOMED concepts.

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Cosd V8 Procedure Occurrence Primary Procedure Opcs

Source column procedure_source_concept_id. Converts ICD10/OPCS4 concepts to SNOMED concepts.

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CDS Procedure Occurrence

Source column procedure_source_concept_id. Converts ICD10/OPCS4 concepts to SNOMED concepts.

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