
CDS VisitOccurrenceWithSpell

Source column DischargeDestinationCode. Lookup discharge destination concept.

DischargeDestinationCode discharged_to_concept_id notes
19 0 Home - Used 0 as Home as per the OHDSI documentation
29 8602 Temporary Lodging
30 38004284 Psychiatric Hospital
37 4050489 County court bailiff - Had to use the Social Context Domain and SNOMED Vocab
38 38003619 Prison / Correctional Facility - Went with Prison / Correctional Facility over Police Station (4107305)
48 38004284 Psychiatric Hospital
49 38004284 Psychiatric Hospital
50 8971 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
51 8717 Inpatient Hospital
52 8650 Birthing Center
53 8976 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center
54 8676 Nursing Facility
65 8676 Nursing Facility
66 38004205 Foster Care Agency
79   No mapping possible
84 8971 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
85 8676 Nursing Facility
87 8717 Inpatient Hospital
88 8546 Hospice
98   No mapping possible
99   No mapping possible


	min (l5.EpisodeStartDate) as EpisodeStartDate,
		min (l5.EpisodeStartTime), 
	) as EpisodeStartTime,
		max (l5.EpisodeEndDate), 
		max (l1.CDSActivityDate)
	) as EpisodeEndDate,
		max (l5.EpisodeEndTime), 
	) as EpisodeEndTime,
		when max(l5.AdmissionMethodCode) in ('21','24') and max(l5.PatientClassification) = 1 then 262
        when max(l5.AdmissionMethodCode) in ('21','24') then 9203
        when max(l5.PatientClassification) in (1) then 9201
        when max(l4.LocationClass) in ('02') then 581476
		else 9202
	end as VisitOccurrenceConceptId,    -- "visit_concept_id"
		when max(l5.EpisodeEndDate) is null and max(l5.DischargeDateHospitalProviderSpell) is null then 32220
        else 32818
	end as VisitTypeConceptId,
	max (l5.SourceofAdmissionCode) as SourceofAdmissionCode,
	max (l5.DischargeDestinationCode) as DischargeDestinationCode
from omop_staging.cds_line01 l1
	left join omop_staging.cds_line04 l4 
		on l1.MessageId = l4.MessageId -- Location Details 
	left join omop_staging.cds_line05 l5 
		on l1.MessageId = l5.MessageId  -- Hospital Provider Spell
	inner join dbo.Code c 
		on c.Code = l1.ActivityTreatmentFunctionCode
where l1.CDSUpdateType = 9   -- New/Modification     (1 = Delete)
	and l1.NHSNumber is not null
	and c.CodeTypeId = 2 -- activity_treatment_function_code
	and l5.HospitalProviderSpellNumber is not null
group by 

Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.

CDS VisitOccurrenceWithoutSpell

Source column DischargeDestinationCode. Lookup discharge destination concept.

DischargeDestinationCode discharged_to_concept_id notes
19 0 Home - Used 0 as Home as per the OHDSI documentation
29 8602 Temporary Lodging
30 38004284 Psychiatric Hospital
37 4050489 County court bailiff - Had to use the Social Context Domain and SNOMED Vocab
38 38003619 Prison / Correctional Facility - Went with Prison / Correctional Facility over Police Station (4107305)
48 38004284 Psychiatric Hospital
49 38004284 Psychiatric Hospital
50 8971 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
51 8717 Inpatient Hospital
52 8650 Birthing Center
53 8976 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center
54 8676 Nursing Facility
65 8676 Nursing Facility
66 38004205 Foster Care Agency
79   No mapping possible
84 8971 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
85 8676 Nursing Facility
87 8717 Inpatient Hospital
88 8546 Hospice
98   No mapping possible
99   No mapping possible


;with RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination as (
	from omop_staging.cds_line01 l1
), RecordsWithVariableNhsNumber as (
from RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination m1
	inner join RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination m2
		on m1.NHSNumber != m2.NHSNumber
where m1.RecordConnectionIdentifier = m2.RecordConnectionIdentifier
	min (l1.CDSActivityDate) as EpisodeStartDate,
	'000000' as EpisodeStartTime,
	max (l1.CDSActivityDate) as EpisodeEndDate,
	'000000' as EpisodeEndTime,
	max (l5.SourceofAdmissionCode) as SourceofAdmissionCode,
	max (l5.DischargeDestinationCode) as DischargeDestinationCode
from omop_staging.cds_line01 l1
	left join omop_staging.cds_line04 l4 
		on l1.MessageId = l4.MessageId -- Location Details 
	left join omop_staging.cds_line05 l5 
		on l1.MessageId = l5.MessageId  -- Hospital Provider Spell
	inner join dbo.Code c 
		on c.Code = l1.ActivityTreatmentFunctionCode
where l1.CDSUpdateType = 9   -- New/Modification     (1 = Delete)
	and l1.NHSNumber is not null
	and c.CodeTypeId = 2 -- activity_treatment_function_code
	and l5.HospitalProviderSpellNumber is null
	and not exists (select * from RecordsWithVariableNhsNumber rwvnn where rwvnn.RecordConnectionIdentifier = l1.RecordConnectionIdentifier)
group by 

Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.