

  • Constant value set to 2000500004. History Of Alcohol (Past)

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  • Constant value set to 2000500003. History Of Alcohol (Current)

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  • Constant value set to 2000500005. Familial Cancer (Indicator)

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  • Constant value set to 2000500006. Familial Cancer (Comment)

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  • Constant value set to 2000500005. Familial Cancer (Indicator)

Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.


  • Constant value set to 2000500003. History Of Alcohol (Current)

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  • Constant value set to 2000500004. History Of Alcohol (Past)

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Cds Anaesthetic Given Post Labour Delivery Observation

  • Constant value set to 2000500002. ANAESTHETIC GIVEN POST LABOUR OR DELIVERY CODE

Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.

Cds Anaesthetic During Labour Delivery Observation

  • Constant value set to 2000500001. ANAESTHETIC GIVEN DURING LABOUR OR DELIVERY CODE

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