
Sus Inptatient VisitDetails

  • Value copied from VisitOccurrenceConceptId

  • VisitOccurrenceConceptId

| Visit Occurrence Type (Info only) | Location Class Condition | Patient Classification Condition | Admission Method Code Condition | |————————————|——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–|———————————-|———————————| | Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit | Is either 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | | Emergency Room Visit | Is either 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is not 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | | Inpatient Visit | Is not 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | | Home Visit | N/A | N/A | Is 02 (Home Visit) | | Outpatient Visit | Is not 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is not 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | ADMISSION METHOD CODE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL), PATIENT CLASSIFICATION CODE, LOCATION CLASS

;with RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination as (
	from omop_staging.sus_APC apc

RecordsWithVariableNhsNumber as (
from RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination m1
	inner join RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination m2
		on m1.NHSNumber != m2.NHSNumber
where m1.GeneratedRecordIdentifier = m2.GeneratedRecordIdentifier

VisitDetail as (

				when apc.AdmissionMethodHospitalProviderSpell in ('21','24') and apc.PatientClassification = 1 then 262 
				when apc.AdmissionMethodHospitalProviderSpell in ('21','24') then 9203
				when apc.PatientClassification in (1) then 9201
				when apc.LocationClassAtEpisodeStartDate in ('02') then 581476
				else 9202
			end as VisitOccurrenceConceptId,    -- ""visit_concept_id""


			coalesce(apc.StartDateHospitalProviderSpell, apc.CDSActivityDate, apc.StartDateConsultantEpisode) as VisitStartDate,  -- visit_start_date
			coalesce(apc.StartTimeEpisode, apc.StartTimeHospitalProviderSpell, '000000') as VisitStartTime,  -- visit_start_time

			coalesce(apc.DischargeDateFromHospitalProviderSpell, apc.CDSActivityDate, apc.EndDateConsultantEpisode) as VisitEndDate,

			coalesce(apc.EndTimeEpisode, apc.DischargeTimeHospitalProviderSpell, '000000') as VisitEndTime,

				when apc.CDSActivityDate is null and apc.DischargeDateFromHospitalProviderSpell is null and apc.StartDateConsultantEpisode is null and apc.PatientClassification = 1 then 32220
				else 32818
			end as VisitTypeConceptId,

				when apc.DischargeDateFromHospitalProviderSpell is null and apc.PatientClassification = 1 then 2
				else 1
			end as RowPriority,

	from omop_staging.sus_APC apc
		inner join dbo.Code c 
			on apc.TreatmentFunctionCode = c.Code
	where apc.UpdateType = 9   -- New/Modification     (1 = Delete)
		and apc.NHSNumber is not null
		and c.CodeTypeId = 2 -- activity_treatment_function_code
		and not exists (select * from RecordsWithVariableNhsNumber rwvnn where rwvnn.GeneratedRecordIdentifier = apc.GeneratedRecordIdentifier)
), VisitDetailWithRank as (
		row_number() over (partition by GeneratedRecordIdentifier order by RowPriority asc) as RowRank
	from VisitDetail
from VisitDetailWithRank
where RowRank = 1


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CDS VisitDetails

  • Value copied from VisitOccurrenceConceptId

  • VisitOccurrenceConceptId

| Visit Occurrence Type (Info only) | Location Class Condition | Patient Classification Condition | Admission Method Code Condition | |————————————|——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–|———————————-|———————————| | Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit | Is either 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | | Emergency Room Visit | Is either 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is not 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | | Inpatient Visit | Is not 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | | Home Visit | N/A | N/A | Is 02 (Home Visit) | | Outpatient Visit | Is not 21 (Emergency Admission : Emergency Care Department or dental casualty department of the Health Care Provider) or 24 (Consultant Clinic of this or another Health Care Provider) | Is not 1 (Ordinary admission) | Is not 02 (Home Visit) | ADMISSION METHOD CODE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL), PATIENT CLASSIFICATION CODE, LOCATION CLASS

;with RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination as (
	from omop_staging.cds_line01 l1
), RecordsWithVariableNhsNumber as (
from RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination m1
	inner join RecordConnectionIdentifierNHSNumberCombination m2
		on m1.NHSNumber != m2.NHSNumber
where m1.RecordConnectionIdentifier = m2.RecordConnectionIdentifier
), VisitDetail as (

				when l5.AdmissionMethodCode in ('21','24') and l5.PatientClassification = 1 then 262 
				when l5.AdmissionMethodCode in ('21','24') then 9203
				when l5.PatientClassification in (1) then 9201
				when l4.LocationClass in ('02') then 581476
				else 9202
			end as VisitOccurrenceConceptId,    -- ""visit_concept_id""


			coalesce(l5.EpisodeStartDate, l5.StartDateHospitalProviderSpell, l1.CDSActivityDate) as VisitStartDate,  -- visit_start_date
			coalesce(l5.EpisodeStartTime, l5.StartTimeHospitalProviderSpell, '000000') as VisitStartTime,  -- visit_start_time

			coalesce(l5.EpisodeEndDate, l5.DischargeDateHospitalProviderSpell, l1.CDSActivityDate) as VisitEndDate,

			coalesce(l5.EpisodeEndTime, l5.DischargeTimeHospitalProviderSpell, '000000') as VisitEndTime,

				when l5.EpisodeEndDate is null and l5.DischargeDateHospitalProviderSpell is null and l5.PatientClassification = 1 then 32220
				else 32818
			end as VisitTypeConceptId,

				when l5.EpisodeEndDate is null and l5.DischargeDateHospitalProviderSpell is null and l5.PatientClassification = 1 then 2
				else 1
			end as RowPriority,

	from [omop_staging].[cds_line01] l1
		left join [omop_staging].[cds_line04] l4 
			on l1.MessageId = l4.MessageId -- Location Details
		left join [omop_staging].[cds_line05] l5 
			on l1.MessageId = l5.MessageId -- Hospital Provider Spell
		inner join dbo.Code c 
			on l1.ActivityTreatmentFunctionCode = c.Code
	where l1.CDSUpdateType = 9   -- New/Modification     (1 = Delete)
		and l1.NHSNumber is not null
		and c.CodeTypeId = 2 -- activity_treatment_function_code
		and not exists (select * from RecordsWithVariableNhsNumber rwvnn where rwvnn.RecordConnectionIdentifier = l1.RecordConnectionIdentifier)
), VisitDetailWithRank as (
		row_number() over (partition by RecordConnectionIdentifier order by RowPriority asc) as RowRank
	from VisitDetail
from VisitDetailWithRank
where RowRank = 1

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