SUS Outpatient Person
Source column EthnicCategory
. Lookup race source concept.
EthnicCategory | race_source_concept_id | notes |
A | 700385 | White - British |
B | 700386 | White - Irish |
C | 700387 | White - Any other White background |
D | 700388 | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean |
E | 700389 | Mixed - White and Black African |
F | 700390 | Mixed - White and Asian |
G | 700391 | Mixed - Any other mixed background |
H | 700362 | Asian or Asian British - Indian |
J | 700363 | Asian or Asian British - Pakistani |
K | 700364 | Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi |
L | 700365 | Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background |
M | 700366 | Black or Black British - Caribbean |
N | 700367 | Black or Black British - African |
P | 700368 | Black or Black British - Any other Black background |
R | 700369 | Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese |
S | Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group | |
Z | Not stated | |
99 | Not known |
- NHS Race (i.e.Ethnicity)
Patient EthnicCategory ETHNIC CATEGORY
max(DateofBirth) as DateOfBirth,
max(EthnicCategory) as EthnicCategory,
max(Sex) as PersonCurrentGenderCode
from [omop_staging].[sus_OP]
where NHSNumber is not null
group by NHSNumber
Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.
SUS Inpatient Person
Source column EthnicCategory
. Lookup race source concept.
EthnicCategory | race_source_concept_id | notes |
A | 700385 | White - British |
B | 700386 | White - Irish |
C | 700387 | White - Any other White background |
D | 700388 | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean |
E | 700389 | Mixed - White and Black African |
F | 700390 | Mixed - White and Asian |
G | 700391 | Mixed - Any other mixed background |
H | 700362 | Asian or Asian British - Indian |
J | 700363 | Asian or Asian British - Pakistani |
K | 700364 | Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi |
L | 700365 | Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background |
M | 700366 | Black or Black British - Caribbean |
N | 700367 | Black or Black British - African |
P | 700368 | Black or Black British - Any other Black background |
R | 700369 | Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese |
S | Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group | |
Z | Not stated | |
99 | Not known |
- NHS Race (i.e.Ethnicity)
Patient EthnicCategory ETHNIC CATEGORY
max(DateofBirth) as DateOfBirth,
max(EthnicGroup) as EthnicCategory,
max(Sex) as PersonCurrentGenderCode
from omop_staging.sus_APC
where NHSNumber is not null
group by NHSNumber
Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.
COSD Demographics
Source column EthnicCategory
. Lookup race source concept.
EthnicCategory | race_source_concept_id | notes |
A | 700385 | White - British |
B | 700386 | White - Irish |
C | 700387 | White - Any other White background |
D | 700388 | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean |
E | 700389 | Mixed - White and Black African |
F | 700390 | Mixed - White and Asian |
G | 700391 | Mixed - Any other mixed background |
H | 700362 | Asian or Asian British - Indian |
J | 700363 | Asian or Asian British - Pakistani |
K | 700364 | Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi |
L | 700365 | Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background |
M | 700366 | Black or Black British - Caribbean |
N | 700367 | Black or Black British - African |
P | 700368 | Black or Black British - Any other Black background |
R | 700369 | Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese |
S | Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group | |
Z | Not stated | |
99 | Not known |
- NHS Race (i.e.Ethnicity)
Patient EthnicCategory ETHNIC CATEGORY
XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.datadictionary.nhs.uk/messages/COSD-v8-1' AS COSD81, 'http://www.datadictionary.nhs.uk/messages/COSD-v9-0-1' AS COSD901),
CosdRecords as (
T.staging.value('(Id/@root)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as Id,
T.staging.query('*[local-name() != "Id"][1]/*[1]') as Node, -- Select the first inner element of the element that is not called Id.
convert(bit, 1) as Is81
from omop_staging.cosd_staging
cross apply content.nodes('COSD81:COSD/*') as T(staging)
where T.staging.exist('Id/@root') = 1
union all
T.staging.value('(Id/@root)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as Id,
T.staging.query('.') as Node,
convert(bit, 0) as Is81
from omop_staging.cosd_staging
cross apply content.nodes('COSD901:COSD/*') as T(staging)
where T.staging.exist('Id/@root') = 1
), COSDElements as (
Node.query('(*[1]/*[fn:contains (fn:local-name(.), "LinkagePatientId")])[1]') as LinkagePatient,
Node.query('(*[1]/*[fn:contains (fn:local-name(.), "Demographics")])[1]') as Demographics,
from CosdRecords
), Patients as (
LinkagePatient.value('(*/*[local-name() = "NHSNumber" or local-name() = "NhsNumber"]/@extension)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as NhsNumber,
LinkagePatient.value('(*/*[local-name() = "PersonBirthDate" or local-name() = "Birthdate"])[1]', 'varchar(max)') as DateOfBirth,
Demographics.value('(*/EthnicCategory/@code)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as EthnicCategory,
Demographics.value('(*/Address/StructuredAddress/*[local-name() = "StreetAddressLine" or local-name() = "streetAddressLine"][1]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(255)') as StreetAddressLine1,
Demographics.value('(*/Address/StructuredAddress/*[local-name() = "StreetAddressLine" or local-name() = "streetAddressLine"][2]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(255)') as StreetAddressLine2,
Demographics.value('(*/Address/StructuredAddress/*[local-name() = "StreetAddressLine" or local-name() = "streetAddressLine"][3]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(255)') as StreetAddressLine3,
Demographics.value('(*/Address/StructuredAddress/*[local-name() = "StreetAddressLine" or local-name() = "streetAddressLine"][4]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(255)') as StreetAddressLine4,
case when Is81 = 1 then Demographics.value('(*/Postcode/postalCode)[1]', 'varchar(max)') else Demographics.value('(*/PostcodeOfUsualAddressAtDiagnosis/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(10)') end as Postcode
from COSDElements
max (DateOfBirth) as DateOfBirth,
max (EthnicCategory) as EthnicCategory,
max (StreetAddressLine1) as StreetAddressLine1,
max (StreetAddressLine2) as StreetAddressLine2,
max (StreetAddressLine3) as StreetAddressLine3,
max (StreetAddressLine4) as StreetAddressLine4,
max (Postcode) as Postcode
from Patients
where NhsNumber != ''
group by NhsNumber
Comment or raise an issue for this mapping.
CDS Person
Source column EthnicCategory
. Lookup race source concept.
EthnicCategory | race_source_concept_id | notes |
A | 700385 | White - British |
B | 700386 | White - Irish |
C | 700387 | White - Any other White background |
D | 700388 | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean |
E | 700389 | Mixed - White and Black African |
F | 700390 | Mixed - White and Asian |
G | 700391 | Mixed - Any other mixed background |
H | 700362 | Asian or Asian British - Indian |
J | 700363 | Asian or Asian British - Pakistani |
K | 700364 | Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi |
L | 700365 | Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background |
M | 700366 | Black or Black British - Caribbean |
N | 700367 | Black or Black British - African |
P | 700368 | Black or Black British - Any other Black background |
R | 700369 | Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese |
S | Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group | |
Z | Not stated | |
99 | Not known |
- NHS Race (i.e.Ethnicity)
Patient EthnicCategory ETHNIC CATEGORY
max(DateofBirth) as DateOfBirth,
max(EthnicCategory) as EthnicCategory,
max(PersonCurrentGenderCode) as PersonCurrentGenderCode
from omop_staging.cds_line01
where NHSNumber is not null
group by NHSNumber